Our furniture collection “RENOW Furniture Collection: 4 types of the chair”has been awarded the prize of Good Design Award 2022.
我們的家具系列「RENOW furniture collection 椅子4種類」獲得了2022年度 日本優良設計獎GOOD DESIGN AWARD。
GOOD DESIGN AWARD | Evaluation from The Judges

It‘s clear that not only aesthetic, but also the issue of decrepit wood after long use were taken into consideration during the production which is reflected by the selection and processing of the material.
Using Mizunara, high-end Japanese oak uncommon in the market, is impressive and certainly adds to the brand image of the furniture.
The expression of not only the straight-line design through traditional Japanese craftsmanship but also the warmth of Mizunara through the structure and surface finishing holds a novelty.
We also admire it as excellent design for nowadays living space, since the size is reviewed to fit its purpose.

The Good Design Award is the only comprehensive appraisal program established by Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization (JIDPO) to promote premium design in 1957. Without for the beautiful shapes, the award not only values the aesthetic but evaluates every object by its good quality, ease of usage, the balance of shape as well as the concept of design created to fulfill certain ideals or purposes.
Nowadays, not only Japanese but overseas companies and designers apply for the award. The winners are awarded the “G Mark”, which is recognized as good design extensively in Asia.
日本優良設計獎GOOD DESIGN AWARD是自1957年開始由「日本設計振興會」主辦的日本唯一的整合性設計評價・推獎制度。不單純針對造型的美感與否,只要是人們為了某種理想和目的而構築的事物都會被視為設計,只要是在「品質優良」「使用便利」「作為商品的優良平衡」上被認可的事物,其品質將得到評價和表彰。
現今,日本國內外有許多的企業或設計師報名參加,並且其獲賞的標誌「G Mark」也成為了代表著優良設計的符號標誌,皆獲得了廣泛的支持。
About awarded “RENOW furniture collection: 4 types of chair”

- High Stool 高腳椅 :W36×D38×H63cm 2.4kg
- Stool 椅凳 :W33×D31×H45cm 1.2kg
- Chair 椅子 :W39×D45×H77cm 4.2kg
- Arm Chair 扶手椅 :W55×D53×H80cm 5.8kg
Material:Solid wood Mizunara(Japanese Oak) from Hokkaido with natural oil-finished, fabric
材質:北海道產 水楢實木 天然塗料油 塗裝 、織物
More Information of The Furniture

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